The Green Valley Stake and Legacy Ward have been planning for the Trek for almost a year now. Two weeks ago the time came for the big journey. Ashley and Matt rode in a bus with the youth in the ward all the way up to Wyoming trails to walk most of the same path the pioneers walked. Jeff and I participated as parents in the trek in our Alpine ward but with the wedding planning we couldn't be on the committee this time. I missed it SO MUCH after seeing the pictures and hearing the talks in church yesterday by the youth and leaders who were on the Trek. The youth were laughing saying they drove 700 miles to walk 10 miles, but that it was worth it. There were times they walked barefoot, treaded through the Sweet Water river, said goodbye to the men (mormon battalion), fought the bugs with bug spray (getting over 80 mesquito bites), pulled handcarts through mud and rivers, endured the bitter winds in the morning and at night, and got a small glimpse of the sacrifices and hardships the pioneers went through. Each youth picked a pioneer to represent on the trek which helped to make the experience an unforgettable one. The youth in our ward are so funny and the best of friends. We are so blessed to work and associate with the amazing leaders and youth in our ward and also participate in well organized activities like the Trek. Thanks Legacy Ward!Ashley and Bishop Clark Independence Rock Crossing cold Sweetwater River
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