San Francisco: July 31-August 2
We went to San Francisco to see Steph and Mike. Highlights included: clam chowder, riding the cable cars, shopping, Oakland temple visit, and Ash winning the Wicked lottery. Thanks for doing your accounting internship in such a fun city Steph! We will be back!

Back to school: August 24
Matt and Ashley are having a great year so far at Green Valley High School. They go to seminary every morning together and sing in concert choir. Matt made the GVHS men's tennis team and Ashley is returning from last year to play on the girl's team!
Blake Matthew Burnham's Blessing Day: September 6
We all traveled to St. George to see Blake get blessed. He's a handsome little guy and was so well behaved! Em did a great job planning and she and Tia decorated. Chad gave Blake a beautiful blessing. We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend together.
Tia's Mission Call: September 9
After weeks of waiting, Tia got her mission call! She drove it down South where we met her at Emily and Chad's in St. George for the opening. She has been called to serve in the New York Utica mission. She leaves December 16th. Although we will miss her, we are so excited and feel like this is the perfect call for her. She will have an incredible experience. We're so proud of you Sister Zwick!
Celebration dinner at PF Changs: September 12
Ashley's birthday: September 27
And eighteen years ago today, Ashley was born. She is loved and adored by her siblings.....especially, Matt. She takes extra time out of her busy schedule to make each one of us feel loved and appreciated. Definitely the peacemaker in our crazy family! We love you Ashley! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on such a wonderful summer. You really know how to make the most out of time together as a family. And we know Sister Zwick will be an amazing missionary! Love ya!
You guys have been busy We are so happy for Tia she will do awesome!
I love that you finally updated! I will be better about commenting mom!
Hi Andrea, this is Melanie Heiner, Deb Heiner Greer's sister-in-law. You asked how I made the cake and I feel bad because my friend made it for my daughter. I am not much help, but I do know she used a pampered chef cake pan. I guess they advertise it as "the barbie cake pan". My friends that made it said they couldn't use a regular size barbie so they bought a cheap medium sized barbie. It is actually a tinker bell barbie. Other than that I have no idea how they decorated it. If you want to though you can e-mail me and I can give you their number or e-mail and they can tell you how they made it. Just let me know. My e-mail is
Love the update!!! Talk to you guys soon.
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